13th Symposium of the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information
Friday, the 6th of January, 2017, Télécom ParisTech, 46 rue Barrault, 75013 Paris
January 6, 2017 was the occasion for the continuation of our series of conferences on the topic of personal data in international treaties and agreements.
In October 2015, a significant earthquake in the world of data exchange took place, with international consequences: the Court of Justice of the European Union invalidated the Safe Harbor agreement which until then allowed transfer of personal data collected from the European territory to the United States. The Court considered that the United States did not offer guarantees that sufficiently protected the persons whose data was being transferred.
Given the daily and current uses of digital technology in our lives, a new agreement was therefore expected as a successor to Safe Harbor. Devised in a relative emergency, it was officially drawn on July 12, 2016, under the name of "Privacy Shield". The issue, for companies as for citizens, is to determine the stakes in the economic, legal and societal activities linked to the digital such as we know it today, and on a worldwide scale.
The Privacy Shield was therefore introduced, but barely six months after its adoption, it has become the subject of much debate. Many are the voices, from citizens to institutions, who question its reliability and its efficiency. At best, it is subject to strong reservations that have since been made public.
So, what is it, exactly? What mechanisms are in place? What are the possible shortcomings and what consequences would this imply for citizens, business and public authorities?
The Chair for Values and Policies of Personal Information had invited the public to listen and exchange ideas on the subject with prestigious guests.
After a short introduction by M. Christian Roux, Research & Innovation Director of the IMT, we had the pleasure to welcome:
- Mrs Florence Raynal, Head of the European and International Affairs, CNIL (French Data Protection Authority)
- M. Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the International Data Flows and Protection Unit, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission.
The round-table was moderated by the digital journalist from the media Contexte, Mrs Laura Kayali.
M. Claude Moraes, Member of the European Parliament, Deputy Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party (EPLP), Chairman of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE), could not have been present and have sent his speech.
¬ Clic here to read M. Claude Moraes' speech (en anglais)
13:00 Registration
13:15 Opening and welcome words, by Christian Roux, Research and Innovation Director of Institut Mines-Télécom
- Talk by Mrs Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, Chair of the Article 29 Working Party and Chair of CNIL (the French Data Protection Authority)
- Talk by Mr Claude Moraes, Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE)
- Talk by Mr Bruno Gencarelli, Head of the International Data Flows and Protection Unit, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission
14:30-15:30 Round table with our speakers, moderated by Laura Kayali, digital journalist from the media Contexte, European and French politics
15:30 Closing speech by Claire Levallois-Barth, Research Chair founder and coordinator
15:40 Cocktail
All presentations will be in English. Registration is free but required with the form at the end of this page.
Claude Moraes
Member of the European Parliament, Deputy Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party (EPLP),
Chairman of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE)
Mr Claude Moraes is Labour Member of the European Parliament for London and Deputy Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party (EPLP) and Chair of the European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE). First elected to the European Parliament in 1999, Claude was the first Asian origin MEP. He was reelected in 2009 where he led the London list. He was the Socialists and Democrats Group Spokesperson in the European Parliament for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs from 2009 -2014. In July 2014 he was elected Chairman of the European Parliament's Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE).
Claude was previously Director of JCWI, the national migration and refugee charity and Chief Executive of the Immigrants' Aid Trust.
Before his NGO work he was a House of Commons adviser and was a national officer at the TUC in Congress House and a representative to the European TUC. He was a Council member of Liberty.
With a legal background, Claude has campaigned, written widely and provided regular media commentary on human rights and migration issues including co-authoring the 'Politics of Migration' (Blackwells, 2003) and ‘The European Union after the Treaty of Lisbon’ (Cambridge University Press, 2012), as well as organizing legal test cases in UK and the European Courts. Claude Moraes was named Dods and the Parliament Magazine’s 'MEP of the Year' for his work on Justice and Civil Liberties in 2011.
Claude Moraes was the rapporteur in 2014 at the European Parliament of the report "on the US NSA surveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various Member States and their impact on EU citizens’ fundamental rights and on transatlantic cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs (2013/2188(INI))
Twitter: @Claude_Moraes - Website
Mr Claude Moraes Privacy Shield speech - Mines Telecom 06 Jan 2017
Bruno Gencarelli
Head of the International Data Flows and Protection Unit, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission
Mr. Gencarelli heads the International data flows and protection unit at the European Commission (DG Justice and Consumers). Mr. Gencarelli led the Commission's delegation in the interinstitutional negotiations with Parliament and Council on the recently adopted data protection reform ("General Regulation" and "Police Directive"). He was also one of the lead negotiators of the EU-US "Umbrella Agreement" and of the EU-US Privacy Shield. Mr. Gencarelli previously served as a member of the European Commission's Legal Service and as an assistant (référendaire) to a judge at the European Court of Justice after having practiced law in the private sector. He holds degrees in law and political science, and teaches EU Competition Law at Sciences Po Paris. He is the author of numerous publications on EU law.
Twitter: @BrunoGencarelli
Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin
Chair of CNIL
Chair of the Article 29 Working Party in Brussels
Ms. Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin graduated in France from the HEC School of Business Management (“Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales”), the National Administration School (“Ecole Nationale d’Administration”) and the Multimedia Institute (“Institut Mutltimédia”).
She first held various posts with the French State Council (“Conseil d’Etat”), as an “auditeur” from 1986 to 1989, a “maître des requêtes” (counsel) from 1989 to 2001 and was responsible of the relations with the print and broadcast media from 1988 to 1991.
Ms. Falque-Pierrotin also served as Deputy Chair of the French Ministry of Culture and French-Speaking World Matters from 1993 to 1995. She became State Counselor (“Conseiller d’Etat”) in November 2001.
After serving as Chair of the Interministerial Commission on Internet Affairs in 1996, she was appointed as an expert adviser for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1997 and as “rapporteur général” of the report of the French State Council on “Internet and Digital Networks” from 1997 to 1998.
From 2001 to December 2010, Ms. Falque-Pierrotin was Chair of the Advisory Board and General Delegate (“délegué générale”) of the French Internet Rights Forum (“Forum des droits sur l’internet”).
Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin has been a member of the French Data Protection Authority (“Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés”) since January 2004. Appointed as Deputy Chair of this authority from February 2009 to September 2011, she became its Chair as of September 21, 2011. She was reelected by the members of the Commission on 4 February 2014. She was elected Chair of the Article 29 Working Party for a two-year term on February 27 2014.