January 28, 2021: executive summary #1: Calling for the recognition of a right to multiple digital identities
The Values and Policies of Personal Information research Chair of the Mines-Télécom Institute provides a new content format: the executive summary.
This first issue summarises the arguments developed by Claire Levallois-Barth in her article "For the recognition of a right to multiple digital identities".
This 18-page article was published in December 2020 in a book published by Editions Larcier following the Study Day of the Institute of Private Law, University of Toulouse Capitale (France): "L'identité numérique : quelle définition pour quelle protection"(Digital identity: what definition for what protection?) of 12 December 2019.
> Download the executive summary #1 (in English)
October 31, 2019 : study VPIP Chair - Médiamétrie : "Personal Data en trust: how have post-GDPR perceptions and uses evolved?"
The Values and Policies of Personal Information research Chair of the Mines-Télécom Institute, together with French audience measurement company Médiamétrie, has conducted a survey on the way French internet users manage their personal data. The survey, carried out in May 2019, aims to extend the one published in 2017.
A presentation of the study followed by a round table discussion took place at the 18th Meeting of the Chair on October 31, 2019, Paris (in French).
> Download the summary (in English)
> Watch the video of the event (in French)
June 12, 2019 : International workshop on the Data Economy: Data Brokers and competition
This international workshop on data economics organized by the team of the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information focused on data brokers' strategies and their impact on the markets. Issues related to data collection and competition were addressed.
With the contributions of Alexis Walckiers (Chief Economist of the Belgian competition authority), Patrick Waelbroeck (Télécom Paris), Heli Koski (ETLA), Télécom Paris, Paris (France).
> Program
The video of the meeting will be available for viewing on the Chair's Youtube channel shortly.
N°2 - March 2018 - Signs of trust: What impact can labels have on the management of our personal data?
In this report, the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information tackles the issue of trust from 4 multidisciplinary perspectives: legal, technical, economical and philosophical. Trust, as the foundation of any society, underpins all institutional and commercial exchanges as well as the role these exchanges play in building a cohesive social body. Yet we are currently experiencing a crisis of trust most likely enabled by digital technologies, since the social ties preceding digital commercial exchanges are not old or strong enough and consumers are not always aware of the “quality” of digital goods, even after consumption.
What are different forms of trust, and how are they changing?
> Freely downloadable in english
Presentation of the Chair
The Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information was launched by the Institut Mines-Telecom in April 2013. Created in partnership with the IN Groupe, BNP Paribas and Dassault Systemes, the Chair benefits from the collaboration of the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the French Data Protection Authority and is also supported by the Télécom Foundation.
The Chair is a multidisciplinary research team working on the following aspects:
- Legal and regulatory compliance,
- Technical security systems and data,
- Economics of personal information sharing,
- Philosophical accountability and anticipation of the societal consequences.
The Chair is coordinated by Claire Levallois-Barth, Associate Professor of Laws at Télécom Paris, and co-animated by:
- Maryline Laurent, Professor of Computer Science at Télécom SudParis,
- Patrick Waelbroeck, Professor of Economics at Télécom Paris,
- Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School.
The Chair aims to help companies, citizens and public authorities in their reflection on the collection, use and sharing of personal information, i.e. information about individuals (their personal lives, their professional activities, their digital identities, their contributions on social networks, etc.) including those collected by smart objects that surround them (smartphones, smart meters, etc..).
The information, be it directly provided by individuals or indirectly through traces of activity or interaction, brings about many questions as regards:
- Social Value: What new services should be provided and how can trust be established? In other words, how do we preserve what characterises a human being, namely the commitment to the principles of freedom, autonomy and accountability?
- Economic Value: how does personal information contribute to the creation of value? How do we to combine public data, private data and business data to develop products, services and innovative strategies?
- Control: who controls or should control personal information? How can we ensure its technical and practical security?
- Regulation: how the information is or should be regulated from legal, economic and ethical point of view?
The Chair intends to study these issues as follows:
The creation of sustainable values, market oriented or not,
based on social and economic innovation,
as well as an ethical societal ownership
and legal and technical security.