Webinar press invitation

Trust and mistrust in the present time
June 10th at 5:00 pm
The Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair is pleased to invite you to the EHESS seminar session entitled “Socio-philosophy of the Present Time”, led by Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Valérie Charolles.
The seminar will focus on the conditions that could enable emergence of a socio-philosophy of the present time. It will explore issues of democracy and technological innovations in order to justify this link between philosophy and sociology.
- 5:00pm: introduction
Valérie Charolles, researcher at IMT-BS and Member of the VP-IP Chair. Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Professor at IMT-BS and Member and Co-Founder of the VP-IP Chair.
- 5:20pm: “How can we be Suspicious?”
Mark Hunyadi, professor at Université Catholique de Louvain, Associate Member of the VP-IP Chair.
- 5:50pm: quick questions
- 6:00pm: “In Favor of Ethics for Innovation”
Thierry Ménissier, Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes, Head of the MIAI “Ethics & AI” Chair, Université Grenoble Alpes, Institut de Philosophie de Grenoble (IPhiG), Grenoble IAE & Grenoble INP - Institut d'Ingénierie et de Management
- 6:30pm: break
- 6:45pm: quick questions
- 6:55pm: debate
- 7:45pm: closing of the seminar cycle for the year by Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Valérie Charolles, announcement for the next academic year8:00pm: conclusion
The present time is one of crisis (economic, political, ecological, and now a health crisis). Such a time requires reflection on the epistemological and critical aspects of our theoretical practices in order to question the underlying foundations, assumptions and ethnocentrism.
The conviction driving this practical and theoretical ambition is, on the one hand, linked to the complexities of the modern world, which motivate us to question what type of methodology we should use to understand modern realities from a philosophical perspective, while resisting the temptation to establish a system.
On the other hand, the fact that the present age has emerged in the form of crisis (economic, ecological, and now the health crisis) forces us to reflect on the epistemological and critical aspects of our theoretical practices in order to question their underlying foundations, assumptions, and ethnocentrism.
Given this context, we believe that philosophy must, now more than ever, be practiced in close connection with human affairs, by creating a rich dialogue with the social sciences (sociology, anthropology, history, economics, political science). At the same time, over the course of the sessions, we will devote time to the major categories of thought inherited from Greco-Western philosophy, analyzing them from a fresh perspective and using a pluralist theoretical approach in order to offer alternative mappings of our understanding of the world and its symbolic and material dimensions, because there are several forces at work in what we refer to as “representative” democracy, “neo-liberal economics” and “digital revolution”.
This research seminar is open to discussions with participants. It therefore aims to take account of the multiple factors involved in the construction of our intimate, economic, social and cultural worlds, and the underlying systems of heterogeneous statements. The “modern world” calls for the formulation of thought on the present time that confronts these differences from an epistemological, methodological and critical perspective. It is from this perspective that we are continuing the work that first began in 2017 on a socio-philosophical approach to democracy and technological environments. In 2020-2021, as in the previous year, there will be a specific focus on two divisions, which are represented on the one hand by quantification and the economic field and, on the other hand, by the practices of creation and esthetics.
To watch the webinar https://webinaire.ehess.fr/b/cha-g0n-yej
Informations and accreditation: severine.picault@imt.fr / 06 27 66 05 09
About the Values and Policies of Personal Information research Chair
The Chair aims to help companies, citizens and public authorities in their reflection on the collection, use and sharing of personal information, i.e. information about individuals (their personal lives, professional activities, digital identities, contributions on social networks etc.) including information collected by the smart objects that surround them (smartphones, smart meters etc.)