[Cancelled] 30/06 – 01/07/2021 : International Symposium of the VI-IP Chair

Data or Information: A Global Conceptual Challenge. Crossed views from Europe, America, Africa, and Asia.

2021, June 30 (3h30-6h30 pm) – July 01 2021 (3h30-6h pm), Paris (France) local time

Online, in english
Free but mandatory registration
Limited places

> Access to the French presentation

In 2013, the Institut Mines-Télécom has launched the "Values and Politics of Personal Information" research chair. Eight years later, at a time when the terminology of personal data is increasingly used, this conference aims to review what underlies the notions of personal "data" and "information". In a context where the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) defines personal data as personal information and where both the use and regulation of personal information are expanding worldwide, the aim is to bring together theorists and practitioners, especially philosophers and entrepreneurs, from across the globe.

To introduce the discussion, in addition to their different etymologies, the term "information" in computer science is typically narrower in scope than the term "data" (an information is obtained by processing data, of which some may be irrelevant); in the other fields, the term "information" has a broader spectrum than that of "data” and refers to an exterior to which the information is related (a thing, a person).

Is there a difference between processing personal data and processing personal information? What does the philosophy of technology have to say on the subject? Does this issue have an impact on commercial practices? Would considering the implications of the notion of information versus data help to reconcile views on the appropriate treatment of privacy, to place the individual in a more accurate position in terms of defining and dealing appropriately with the material he/she leaves on the networks?

In short, would it be possible, by using the notion of information, to find a reference point for the concrete application of good practices? These are the issues at stake in this web-symposium aimed at academics, policy makers and entrepreneurs. 


2021, June 30 (3:30pm-6:30pm) and July 1 (3:30pm-6pm), (Paris - France, local time).

  • 1st session: philosophical topics (June 30 3:30pm-5pm):
    Personal Information or Data: Does it make a Difference?
  • 2nd session: the view of business actors: (June 30 5pm-6:30pm):
    What do we think we are processing: personal Data or Information?
  • 3rd session: mixed and conclusive panel: (July 1 3:30pm-6pm):
    Building Bridges between conceptual and practical Approaches for trustworthy personal Information Processing


Valérie Charolles, member of the Chair VP-IP, Researcher of Philosophy at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, Associate researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Contemporary Anthropology (CNRS/EHESS).


  • Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Professor of Social Philosophy and Ethics at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, co-host of the Chair VP-IP, and Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Contemporary Anthropology (CNRS/ EHESS).
  • Valérie Charolles, Researcher of Philosophy at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, member of the Chair VP-IP, Associate researcher at Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain (CNRS/EHESS) (France)
  • Andrew Feenberg, Professor, Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology at Simon Fraser University's School of Communication, Director of its Applied Communication and Technology Laboratory.
  • Olivier Hassid, Expert in security and business Intelligence, General Manager of the Corporate Security Directors' Club, of the journal “Sécurité & Stratégie” and teacher at Paris-Nanterre University (France)
  • Caroline Lequesne-Roth, Senior Lecturer of Public Law at the University Côte d'Azur (France)


The conference is to take place on-line and in English (with the option for panelists to speak French wth a powerpointt in English).

The time frame is to allow participants from Europe, the American west side and Asia to join the Symposium with little trouble.

To provide an opportunity to generate contacts and approximate the conditions of an international conference, participants will have the possibility to share virtual meeting rooms during the hour following each session day.


Event cancelled

> Access to the French presentation

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