Commentaires fermés sur [Cancelled] 30/06 – 01/07/2021 : International Symposium of the VI-IP Chair

[Cancelled] 30/06 – 01/07/2021 : International Symposium of the VI-IP Chair

Data or Information: A Global Conceptual Challenge. Crossed views from Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. 2021, June 30 (3h30-6h30 pm) – July 01 2021 (3h30-6h pm), Paris (France) local time Online, in englishFree but mandatory registrationLimited places > Access to … Lire la Suite

Commentaires fermés sur 31/10/2020: Press release – Personal data and trust: changes in perceptions and uses following GDPR

31/10/2020: Press release – Personal data and trust: changes in perceptions and uses following GDPR

[Download the Press Invitation (PDF – 585 Ko)] Findings from an exclusive Institut Mines-Télécom study carried out with: Institut Mines-Télécom’s Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair joined forces with Médiamétrie to carry out a new study on how the … Lire la Suite