02/11/2020: Press invitation – Digital identities, biometric data and facial recognition

Claire Levallois-Barth, Coordinator of the "Values and Policies of Personal Information" Chair is pleased to invite you to the 20th Meeting of the VP-IP Chair (webinar):

Digital identities, biometric data

and facial recognition

Friday 13 November 2020 at 2 pm.

Facial recognition algorithms are invading our daily lives, both for authentication and identification purposes and to analyze our behavior and characteristics. They are used for a wide range of reasons, whether to ensure safety and security in public places and shopping centers (to prevent the theft of Häagen-Dazs ice cream, for example), prove our digital identity, customize offerings for customers or improve patient care.

Nevertheless, the use of this artificial "intelligence" is highly controversial. Some cities (San Francisco, Sommerville, Oakland, San Diego, Portland) and companies (IBM, Amazon) have imposed a moratorium while the CNIL and the Quadrature du Net have questioned whether we are seeing a gradual shift towards constant tracking.

This conference will examine the controversies around this probabilistic biometric technology, in particular with regard to its effectiveness and respect for fundamental rights.


2 pm: Welcome

  • Francis Jutand, Deputy Executive Director, Development, Promotion and Foresight for Institut Mines-Télécom
  • Romain Galesne-Fontaine, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair, IN Group
  • Claire Levallois-Barth, Coordinator of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair

2:15 pm: "Facial recognition, a multitude of use cases" by Claire Levallois-Barth, Coordinator of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair, and research professor in law, Institut Mines-Télécom/Télécom Paris

2:35 pm: "The legal issues associated with facial recognition" by Emmanuel Netter, Professor of private law at the University of Avignon, director of LBNC (EA 3788)

  • Discussion with participants (moderated by Claire Levallois-Barth)

3:05 pm: "Facial recognition to support digital identity" by Marc Norlain, CEO and co-founder of ARIADNEXT, a Brittany-based company that specializes in digital identity issues

  • Discussion with participants

3:25 pm: Debate with participants

4:00 pm: Closing remarks

Information and registration: severine.picault@imt.fr / 06 27 66 05 09

Registration is free but mandatory

About the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair https://cvpip.wp.imt.fr/accueil/

The Chair aims to help companies, citizens and public authorities in their reflection on the collection, use and sharing of personal information, i.e. information about individuals (their personal lives, professional activities, digital identities, contributions on social networks etc.) including information collected by the smart objects that surround them (smartphones, smart meters etc.)

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